The European version of the HARMONYLSA light sport aircraft, popular for pilot training in flight schools andprivate flying in the USA and other countries, has received approval from theAeroclub d'Italia under the OPT-OUT regulation EU No. 2018/1139 as an advancedUL aircraft with an MTOW of 600 kg.
With the European Harmony model, Evektor follows thesuccessful path of the EV-97 Eurostar UL aircraft, which the company sold invarious model versions 1000 units and in Italy itself 150 units. Compared tothe Eurostar, the Harmony brings a number of innovations to its customers.Sporty look with an extended fuselage and tapered wings, attractive interiordesign with increased cabin space, providing enough space even for tall pilots,electrically operated flaps, T-throttle in the middle console and the latestGarmin avionics solutions. With MTOW of 600 kg and a usefull load of up to 280kg, the Harmony offers one of the highest usefull load on the market among ULaircraft. Integral wing fuel tanks with a capacity of 120 l allow a range of upto 1300 km. Similar to the EV-97 Eurostar, the Harmony aircraft has outstandingflight characteristics of a training aircraft, a robust metal airframe provenin flight school operations and provides an excellet cockpit view.
The first Harmony aircraft delivered to Italy isoperated by the Scuola Volo Cogliate - VFR Campus based on Cogliate Airfieldnear Milan. The aircraft with the registration number I-E277, is equipped witha Rotax 912ULS engine, DUC Swirl 3L propeller, Garmin G3X glass cockpit, Garminautopilot, electrically operated flaps, a carbon look comfort interior packageand parachute rescue system. Marco Alberti, flight school director and flightinstructor, after nearly 200 hour flight on the new Harmony, said „All thepilots flying in the club are really happy about the new aircraft. The newEvektor Harmony demonstrated safe flying characteristics, ability to mantaingood manouvrability also at low speed, fast enough to guarantee good cruiseperformances, slow enough at low speed to be operated safely from novice pilotson a 500 m grass strip with only 100 hp engine“.
Evektor is targeting the Harmony aircraft also toother European markets that have adopted regulations for UL aircraft with MTOW600 kg under Opt-Out EU No. 2018/1139 regulation.